Between 2015-2016, I had an assistant lecturer position at the Pierre & Marie Curie University. My research in the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences aimed at investigating dispersal, habitat choice and community composition in earthworm in a context of urbanisation.
Dispersal is an ecological process that enables organisms to colonize new habitats and have access to resources which availability differ with time and space. Therefore, dispersal capacity shapes the capacity of an individual to escape a low quality habitat. Investigating dispersal behaviour is necessary to understand population dynamics and community structures. I experimentally demonstrated the importance of habitat quality and population density in the departure choice of epigeic earthworms (Chatelain & Mathieu 2017 Soil Biology and Biochemistry). My results also show that dispersal behaviour is highly variable between species, suggesting different evolutionary histories between species (for example due to different degrees of exposure to environmental disturbances).
In response to long-lasting high levels of metallic trace elements (MTEs) in urban soils, we expect soil invertebrates inhabiting urban environments to have evolved detection and avoidance and/or tolerance mechanisms to MTE pollution. To test this, I used artificial soils with concentrations of lead, zinc, copper, chromium and nickel that reflect pollution levels in the soils of Parisian lawns. Using choice experiments, I compared habitat preference (i.e., the occurrence of individuals in the polluted vs. unpolluted soil) and health status (i.e., body mass maintenance, mobility, mortality) between three species of endogeic earthworms—Aporrectodea caliginosa, Aporrectodea icterica and Allolobophora chlorotica—originating either from urban or rural grasslands. This study highlights a clear avoidance of MTE-polluted soils in all three species, as well as MTE-induced health impairments, especially in A. chlorotica. Interestingly, earthworm response to MTE exposure only slightly differed between earthworms of urban and rural origin, suggesting the absence of widespread acclimatization or adaptation mechanisms to MTE pollution in cities (Chatelain 2023 Sustainability).
Earthworm avoidance to soil polluted with MTEs suggests that MTE pollution levels in urban soils structure earthworm communities. To test this hypothesis, I investigated the impact of MTE pollution on earthworm communities in lawns within the city of Paris. In this study, we sampled a comprehensive selection of earthworm communities, comprising a total 965 individuals from 13 distinct species. These communities were obtained from three different locations within 18 parks. At these locations, we assessed the concentrations of eight metals and metalloids in the soil, along with selenium concentrations and eight fundamental soil parameters, to examine the association between earthworm communities and soil attributes. MTE median concentrations surpassed recommended statutory limit values by approximately 20% (Cd), 30% (Cu), 40% (Zn), and as much as 90% (Hg and Pb). Nevertheless, these concentrations exhibited considerable variability both between and within parks, correlating with the variations in earthworm community structures. Specifically, our results highlight that Cu concentrations in the soil have the most significant influence on the assemblage of earthworm species. Our findings underscore the importance of considering MTE pollution levels to enhance our comprehension of earthworm distribution in urban environments and its effects on the ecosystem services provided by urban lawns (Chatelain et al. 2024 STOTEN).